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Kumba Association of Ohio

The City Of Kumba
Located at the center of the Southwest region of Cameroon is the cosmopolitan city of Kumba, known as "the Green City". Kumba has a tropical climate characterized by periods of rainy and dry seasons. Kumba is home to touristic geographical features like the famous Lake Barombi Mbo which is the largest volcanic lake in Cameroon.
The indigenes of Kumba are the Bafaws, the Bakundus and the Balongs. However, there is a large presence of other tribe’s men and women with a noticeable presence of the Igbos, who immigrated from neighboring Nigeria for trade opportunities in the famous Kumba Market.
Kumba has a population of approximately 470,000 inhabitants, and it is administratively governed by 3 elected Mayors for Kamba I, II, and III with a city mayor at the helm. Traditionally, Kumba is governed by the Nfon of Kumba and paramount ruler of the Bafaw.
Kumba is a commercial hub and a road junction that serves as a breadbasket to other divisions such as Ndian, Fako, Kupe Manenguba and Manyu, not leaving out neighboring countries like Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Chad and Niger.
The main economic activities of Kumba are the production and selling of Cocoa, Coffee, Rubber, Palm Oil, Timber, Plantains as well as other cash crops. This makes Kumba the biggest commercial town of Anglophone Cameroon.
Kumba has one main hospital, the Kumba District Hospital, which also serves as a reference hospital and has made Kumba a major destination for health tourism. There are four peripheral health centers that cater for indigenous villagers in and around the city of Kumba.